NAVIGATION: Closed-loop control > Torque control > Torque control with defined bandwidth

Torque control with defined bandwidth

The controller gain is determined by activating test signals (Autotuning). The calculations and the relevant autotuning are carried out in the drive controller. The advanced settings are made in parameters P 1530 SCD_SetMotorControl, P 1531 SCD_Action_Sel and P 1533 SCD_AT_Bandwidth.


P no. Parameter name Function
P1530 SCD_SetMotorControl Torque controller setting with defined bandwidth
(-1) Fault(-1) Error during calculation
(0) Ready(0) Ready
(3) BANDWIDTH(3) Calculation of the torque controller parameters based on the motor data and the specified bandwidth
(4) DEADBEAT(4) This setting parameterizes a dead-beat controller. The structure is switched to feedback with observer, the observer is designed (to a specific equivalent time constant – for setting see P 0434(0) CON_CCON_ObsPara – and the speed controller gains are calculated accordingly.
P1531 SCD_Action_Sel Start conditions to determine the torque controller settings
(-1) FAULT (-1) Function set in P 1530 SCD_SetMotorControl stops with an error message
(0) READY(0) Ready
(6) BANDWIDTH(6) Optimization of torque controller gain with band-pass:
TuneCCon Activation of sinusoidal test signals and adaptation of the current controller parameters based on the specified bandwidth
P1533 SCD_AT_Bandwidth Bandwidth preset for torque control loop: Setting range: 10 - 4000 Hz

Tabelle: Definition of bandwidth